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1881 Schoolhouse

Grade 4: Social Studies, English Language Arts 

What was it like to go to a one-room schoolhouse in the late nineteenth century? What type of things did students learn and do? What was similar to what students do today? How is it different? Students can get the answers to these and many more questions in the actual one-storey wood building from 1881 - the oldest surviving school building in the province!

In this 2.5 hours interactive role-playing program, grade 4 students will take part in schoolhouse lessons of the 1880s in Edmonton's first public school and will experience how schooling in Alberta has changed over time. The lessons and stories provide multiple perspectives of Alberta's heritage.

Maximum group size: 30
Program fee: $200 + GST (No fee for Edmonton Public Schools)

1881 Schoolhouse Curriculum Outcomes, Grade 4

Student Feedback:

“Thank you for teaching about the past. I loved the spelling bee. It was so fun! I can't wait to come back.”

“I had an outstanding time at the school house! Not only was I entertained, I also learned a lot about the past. I liked the slates and wish we used them now-a-days. The same thing goes for the spelling bee! My experience was really enjoyable and I hope we can come back another year!”

Student Postcards: