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Considerations Regarding Access to 1881 Schoolhouse and Grandma’s Place

Due to the physical layout of the 1881 Schoolhouse and some of the stations in Grandma’s Place, teachers should take these points into consideration:

1881 Schoolhouse

  • Door frame measurements
    • outer door (32 ½ inches or 83 cm wide, frame to frame)
    • inner door (31 ½ inches or 80 cm  wide, frame to frame)
  • The front steps do not include a ramp
  • A wheelchair can be accommodated inside the schoolhouse

Grandma’s Place

This student program is located in historic McKay Avenue School, which does have barrier free access via the Theatre door (located at the back of the building, southeast corner - see the map here) and an elevator. 

The following stations are in spaces that have barriers:

  • Grandma's Pantry (station 1) and Grandma's Kitchen (station 2)
    • A step with a  tight turn into the pantry and kitchen
  • Grandma’s Attic (station 3)
    • A narrow passageway with a number of steep steps and a tight turn
  • Grandpa's Tool Shed (station 6)
    • A step with a narrow doorway
    • If the wheelchair cannot fit through the door, the activity can be observed from the doorway

Accessible Washroom Measurements

Located on the first and second floors of historic McKay Avenue School are accessible washrooms.

  • doorway measures 101 cm (40”)
  • 135 cm (53”) from the edge of the toilet to the doorway
  • 168 cm (66”) wall to wall
  • approximately 24 square feet