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Grandma's Place: A Visit to Grandma and Grandpa's in the Past 

Grade 4: Social Studies, English Language Arts

This hands-on experience involving activities and 'chores' based on those of the early 1900s helps grade 4 students to gather information about life in the past from multiple perspectives in order to develop an appreciation and respect for the contributions of Alberta citizens of the past.

Program length: 2.5 hours

Maximum group size: 30
Volunteers required: 4-6 adults
Program fee: $200 + GST (No fee for Edmonton Public Schools)

The program supports the grade 4 Social Studies and English Language Arts curriculum outcomes.

Grandma's Place Curriculum Outcomes, Grade 4

Student Feedback:

“I really like using the iron. I have never used one before. I thought it was super fun! I think I actually made the cloth on the ironing board really smooth. This chore inspired me to iron at home. I hope I do that soon!”

“I really enjoy the grandpa’s tool shed because I got to use old tool like drill and hammers, and I got the feeling of how people built and fixed things in the olden days.”

"I had so much fun at Grandma's place. It was one of the best field trips. It was so cool learning and working like we are from the past. I hope we can come again!"